
#MDSGBackyardEcology - Educating from home during a time of telework by Lisa Tossey

As our program shifted to telework at the beginning of the pandemic, we struggled with how we could continue to connect our social media followers with their local watershed. We were all hunkered down in our homes, but our staff was spread across the state — from the Atlantic Ocean to the mountains of western Maryland. That allowed us to share a wide variety of images of seasonal changes in plants and wildlife from our own backyards to help others discover and learn about what they may be seeing in their own during a time of lockdown.

Springtime in Berlin by Lisa Tossey

Birds of Bombay Hook by Lisa Tossey

Just a few of the birds spotted at Bombay Hook this week

Bombay Hook Wildlife Refuge is always a wonderful place to go looking for birds - especially during the shoulder season when so many are taking flight to move to different climes. A wide variety of feathered friends were out and about during quick trip to the refuge this week, from snowy egrets to lesser yellowlegs to terns to a northern harrier, as well as the first snow geese of the season, signaling that winter isn't too far away...