Boom Boom ... Love by Lisa Tossey

That face... 

That face... 

Meet Boomer. This is the face I find on my lap after sitting at  the computer too long.

We found him last fall and he wriggled into our family and hearts almost immediately. We have two older rescue pups, who were 12 and 13 at the time, and we decided we should bring in a "transition' dog, since they are slowing down and it is going to be terribly hard on all of us when we have to say goodbye.

At 70 energetic pounds of tail-wagging, sloppy kissing fun, Boomer was a bit more than we were looking for. We wanted an adult dog, and had envisioned one who was a bit more chill, but when we arrived at Response-a-Bull Rescue near Newark, Del., he chose us. No regrets.

He's probably around 3-years-old, and hasn't had the best life -- he was picked up off the street at half his current healthy weight, and faced tough odds as a sick, malnourished, intact, large, black, bully breed. But he was one of the lucky ones.

Some very lovely people saw the happy-go-lucky personality under the skinny, sad exterior and worked hard to keep him safe and get him healthy. We can't thank them enough. His cuddles, antics, and energy make each day a little brighter.

Save a life. Support a rescue. 


Hulls, Hops, and Horseshoe Crabs by Lisa Tossey

I'm excited to get back to blog posting after Posterous broke my heart ... I'll start with this little highlight video I shot with my GoPro during a fun day with folks from the Mid-Atlantic Marine Education Association (MAMEA)

On Saturday, June 8, educators from throughout the region came to Milton, Del., for “Hulls, Hops, and Horseshoe crabs” a MAMEA mini-conference organized by Christopher Petrone, education specialist at Delaware Sea Grant.

Participants took part in a guided paddle on the Broadkill River, enjoyed a tour of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery that highlighted the science and art of brewing beer, and participated in an evening horseshoe crab spawning survey along the shore of the Delaware Bay.

Links from #MAMEA12 Social Media Presentation by Lisa Tossey

Chris Petrone - @seaPetrone

Lisa Tossey - @tossey

Prezi presentation link

Options: – link shortener with analytics:

Researching hashtags

Storify – curate content across platforms:

Keeping track of everything – management tools:

 For presentation use:

Best practices:

Oops! A misfire doesn’t have to be a disaster – think outside box & be creative

Example: Red Cross employee and resulting Dogfish Head Beer fundraiser

 Interesting and fun uses of Twitter


Arboretum Photo Walk - Mobile Pics - #Scio12 by Lisa Tossey

Was excited to head out on the ScienceOnline Art/Photo Walk at the arboretum ... only to find that my camera battery was far more drained than I thought.

The other surprise was that there were many more blooms than I expected in January, so I made the best of it by shooting away on my iPhone to capture all the gorgeous colors and textures out there. Here are a few of those shots :)